It's your birthday!
Team Happy birthday Piyush
Hey s*n*u!! (hope you manage guess that correctly, well if not then here's a clue.. 2-3 times a day for you and almost 0 for me..hehe) :D Well i just dunno what to write, or what to say (see..sometimes even "I" can be at a loss of words, lol)..but on the very special occassion of your birthday, just want you to know that your the coolest in the whole wide world!
And don't get tooo upset with me, i still haven't got you any birthday gift ! sigh! (im sure your fuming, getting all cranky and throwing tantrums like a lil baby by now..after all it is "THE 27TH of DEC", your official license to all the gifts & shopping (not like you ever needed a license or something, but still!). But as a promise, one of your gifts has almost made its way to you already! ;)
What makes this day special is the fact that its the day when a tiny little baby came into this world to become my favouritest and bestest friend EVER! Right from the Dagli days, you have been my unshakeable support system, someone i look upto, and someone i adore to the core! You are the ultimate rockstar.. So as you turn twenty freaking five years old today (OMG, 25 yrs is old Piyush!) here's wishing you the happiest birthday ever and may there be happier birthdays than this happiest birthday in the years to come! (that didnt make sense no? hehe)..
-Prini :)
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