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Team Happy birthday Piyush


Deepak Agarwal

Deepak Agarwal



Man you are a good form of style and fashionably correct


Your red beast rocks

 Your love for Manu is aptly described by the song ‘Man United, F*** Everyone Manchester FC’

 I may describe you ass…..


P – Papa’s and Mama’s perspicacious junior

I – Icy cool intelligent and influential

Y – Yentilishly smart

U – Ultimate unmet ubiquitous undying attitude

S – Scintillating smart stupendous sensuous sister

H – Hippos, Hot chocolates, huffy puffy cookies etc.


Wish you a very happy birthday and bless you get all:

·         Best business school

·         Best girl

·         Best beast

·         Best business ideas

·         Best career

·         Best bhanjas/ bhanjis :)


From your one and only jovial jubilant joyful jolly jiggly JIJU…. (Deepak)