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Team Happy birthday Piyush


Akshata Bhat

Akshata Bhat

When I hear the name 'Piyush', immediately my brain is flooded with 3 images...first: the green (if you can call them green) pants, second: Meghna Naidu and third:  a chalkboard restaurant menu in Marathi which says 'Piyush - 7 Rs'. I know it's your birthday so you were probably expecting lots of pyaar barsaoing (I mean it's your 25th... Milestone wala budday) You must have thought, "Hai, kitni tareef karenge. Bolenge sundar hai, susheel hai, khaana pakaana aata hai (sort of)." Sorry bacha, not happening. You are 25 now and old enough to deal with the truth :-D. If I had to describe you in one word, I'd say 'jhakaas'. Kya tashan hai! Green pants...wah wah wah! Your endless fascination for red (which IS awesome) makes me wonder if you were a bull in your pichla janam. The way you rock the dance floor, tumhara paagalpan, your sense of humour (which I adore) and your natural ability to connect with people and make them feel comfortable is what makes you one of a kind (I don't think this world could handle ANOTHER Piyush) The best thing about you is how happy you make a certain special someone whom we both love, and you will always be special to me for that. So I wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more to come, and hope that you always have that naughty smile of yours (and keep everyone around you smiling as well...)It's been 10 years and green pants still make me :-) With lots of love, from Akshata