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Team Happy birthday Piyush


Birthday wishes

Vishakha Khanolkar

Vishakha Khanolkar
  Hey Piyu, Wish you many many happy returns of the day. Have a awesome time. Miss you all. Love Vish

Shaily Mehta

Shaily Mehta
Hey Rocky You and I go back a long way, we started by not liking one another and having many misconceptions and difference of opinions… And we have come a very long way, today, you are one of the most dependable friends in my life , I am glad that I got the chance to know you and be your...

Shagun Verma

Shagun Verma
Hey piyush 25......Ur becaming an old man ya.... The first time I saw u in sathaye I thought u were arrogant n thought no end of urself but then when I met n spoke to u my thoughts were confirmed......ha..ha j/k Who would have known u would became one of my closest friends today U know I love u and...

Gaurav Vakharia

Gaurav Vakharia
Happy budday bhai..sach mein bol raha hoon, Bootmaker ke shoes kya aate hain be..Tu pehenga na, to 2 aadmi tujhe poochega kahan se liya hai..sacchi..mazzaak nahio kar raha hon main..chal enjoy!

Dipen Trivedi

Dipen Trivedi
Lets continue the bobby culture for years to come..Bobby Rox..And wishes you a very Happy Birthday..Have a great one..God bless! -Dipu
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Kindly note that the wishes above are randon and not in any particular order!